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Husbands! Grr... long vent ahead.

July 6th, 2010 at 10:07 pm

Back story... DH has the summers off and stays home with the kids. I have to work year round. DH is a night owl and doesn't go to bed til 2am most nights so the kids fend for themselves from the time they wake up (around 10am) to when he gets up around noon. I'm at work by 7am and get home around 6pm (Mon-Thur) during the summer months.

My parents live in the next county over but have a place here where we live and when they are in town, my parents like to cook ethnic dishes for me (we are Asian). DH (who is Caucasian) always teases me about how they always want to feed me. Well, my mother asks me to come eat dinner with her when I get off work today. I said ok. I call DH around 3pm and tell him this and he gets mad at me! He said in no uncertain terms, "What about us? I'm your husband and you have kids to see too. Will we not see you all day?" I respond that I should be home around 7pm so it's not that late. He asks if mom was going to make something he and the kids would eat and I said no (they don't eat a lot of what my parents make). We then get into a argument because I consider it a very nice gesture for my parents to take time to cook meals for me but he said that they should consider him and the kids as well and make stuff everyone would eat. That made me so mad... I mean, it's not like my parents are getting any younger and I enjoy the time I get to spend with them. They are Asian, therefore they make the food they know how to make...I'm not about to ask them to make up a batch of chicken pot pie or something just so DH can eat it too. Geez. I told DH that he is being selfish and that he is more than able to fix something for him and the kids to eat. Heck, I'll come home and fix them dinner if need be but oh, I was f@*!!& mad at his attitude. I finally told him that there was just no more to discuss and hung up.

So, was I wrong? Was I getting mad for no reason?

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