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Archive for September, 2016

All I had to do was ask...

September 19th, 2016 at 05:40 pm

So, my last post was about how I loaned $400 to a co-worker. She had said she would pay me the following week but didn't. Then, she said she would pay me on payday, which she didn't. All of these "promises to pay" were with the other co-worker she borrowed from... I never really spoke to her directly myself.

So, after 6 weeks of nonpayment, my DH got a little antsy and asked me to confront her. I figured to be less confrontational, I would send her a text saying that I needed the money back for xyz (which were all true) and that it would be appreciated if she could pay me soon. A couple of hours after I sent that text, she pays me back! So, apparently, I just had to ask to get my money back was all. Oh well. I'm just glad that's over with.

Lending money

September 1st, 2016 at 04:44 pm

So, 3 weeks ago, a co-worker comes to me saying that another co-worker is in desperate need of $800 to pay a bill by 5:00 that day (it was like 4:00 at this point). This co-worker in need is well liked, super friendly to all, and has never asked for any hand out or anything before. I truly thought maybe something was really wrong. So, this co-worker and I agreed to give the one in need $400 each. The co-worker in need was super thankful and headed off to the bank to cash our checks to do whatever with the $800 before 5:00.

Fast forward to today. Payday was yesterday and I thought for sure that I would see my $400 paid back to me. But, nope. So, I asked the other co-worker that also lent $400 the status of her payback and she hadn't been paid either. I finally asked if she knew the reason that the $800 was needed in such a rushed time... I thought maybe it was to pay the power bill or to pay rent or something like that. Come to find out that the reason this co-worker needed $800 was to buy her teenage son a car! She found a killer deal and didn't have enough money to pay for the car that day and the seller had given her until 5:00 or else they were going to the next person interested. I was livid! That is no emergency whatsoever!

Anyway, co-worker in need has promised to pay us back next week. From what magical funds, I don't know? We only get paid once a month which was yesterday so if she doesn't have the money now, where is she going to get it next week? But, I have no issues with lending her this money and I don't doubt that she'll pay us back, as she really is the type of person that keeps to their word.... however, now that I know the reason behind the "emergency" makes me a bit upset at myself for not asking what it was for to begin with (I just didn't want to pry at the time).

People, if you don't have enough cash to buy a car for your son, then don't go crying to co-workers... am I right?