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Looking at properties tonight...

January 28th, 2010 at 06:49 pm

Our realtor is going to show us 5 houses tonight. We are looking for a "cheap" place that we can rent out. I doubt we will actually bite the bullet and buy one but it sure is fun to look and dream. I am so anxious to try investing in hard real estate -- whether through rental properties or buy/fix/flip scenarios. In this current economy, I'm thinking the rental scene would pan out better and once the economy returns to 'normal', I will entertain doing a flip. I told myself that once I got schooling behind me, I would have much more time to devote to being a real estate mogul. Smile Hee hee. We'll see what happens...

2010 Financial Goals

January 6th, 2010 at 09:01 pm

First here is how we looked at the end of 2009:

2009 YEAR END balances:
Mortgage = $269,000 @ 5.25%
CC = $23,000 @ 0% thru June 2010
Total Debt = $292,000

And as reference, here's how we looked at the end of 2008:

2008 YEAR END balances:
Mortgage = $274,000 @ 5.25%
Car loan = $15,300 @ 5.75%
CC = $18,000 @ 0% thru Nov 09
Total Debt = $307,300

We improved our debt standing from 2008 to 2009 by $15,300 because we paid off a signifcant part of our car loan and transferred the remainder to the 0% account.

For 2010, our goal is to cut down the 0% debt down to zero -- quite feasible if we look at it as being less than a $2,000 payment each month.

Here's to a great 2010!

Help me pick a vacation spot!

September 25th, 2009 at 03:14 pm

Ok, I'll be graduating with my MBA on Dec 18, 2009. I want to go on a huge vacation to celebrate. My only problem is deciding what to do and where to go.

We don't travel much at all so we are a bit foreign to the whole "planning a big adventure" idea. Help?!

Some info... we live in NC. We've been to Disney World in FL which is probably the biggest trip we've taken with our 2 children. DH and I have been on a Carribean cruise and have gone to the Bahamas (trips before kids!).

Anyone have any suggestions on what we should look at? The kids are under 12, if that helps. We'd have about 2 weeks to take off over Christmas Break... so we are looking at the last 2 weeks in Dec.

ANY SUGGESTIONS OR ADVICE WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL! Regarding budget -- I'd like to spend no more than $5,000 if possible.


The house we want...

June 18th, 2009 at 08:11 pm

I always love seeing pictures posted so I thought I would post this one of the house we are seriously looking at buying...

What do you guys think? And just for fun, how much would you pay for this house just based on this one picture? The house is over 3400 sq ft, 0.77 acres, built in 2002, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2 car garage, stainless steel appliances, hardwood floors, etc.... we absolutely love the location!!!

As I've posted before, we have our current house on the market for sale and so we've been looking for a "new" house. This one just fits everything that is on our must-have list. We have one very interested couple looking at our house and once they bite, we are definitely going to put an offer in on this one!

Tidbits and Updates

June 9th, 2009 at 08:21 pm

1. Started on a health/weight-loss kick back on May 1. I lost 5 lbs in May (attached a graph tracking actual weight per day). Glad to see the trend going down instead of up! Smile I hope to lose 5 more in June...

2. My first summer school class is killing me. It's regression analysis (aka: yucky statistics) and is just horrible. I swear that if I can just pass it with a 'C', I'll be a happy camper.

My second class starting in July will be a bit more interesting... it's consumer behavior. Smile

3. In spite of the economic turmoil hitting our budgets for the new year (starting in July), my boss has signed in a 9% raise for me!!! I feel like those AIG and CEO guys that everyone told to give back their bonuses. It shouldn't be fair that I get a raise while at the same time we are having to let people go at work. My boss says that it's an equality thing with my own position, budget problems or not, and that I shouldn't concern myself about it.

4. Had a free lunch today at Applebee's. My MIL took me and the family out today so that was nice! She's also invited us over for Friday night dinner so that's another free meal this week... gotta love free food!

5. Our house is still on the market with no offers. DH and I have resigned ourselves to see how it goes (contract with the realtor up in August) and not to rush into buying anything new in the meantime. If/when we do sell, we can live with my parents for as long as we need to which would help us save at least $2,000 a month in mortgage/utility bills! That could add up! So, we'll just wait and see what happens.


December 15th, 2008 at 08:22 pm

Another year has gone by already! Geez.

Looking forward to 2009, I sure hope that things turn out alright in our financial life with the economy the way it is...

Biggest Financial Goal:
Pay off the entire $18,000 credit card balance (all at 0% interest) by Nov 09 This means that we need to pay at a minimum $1600 each month. Doable!

Other Goals:
**graduate with my MBA in Dec 09 (ending 3 years of grad school - paid with all cash!)
**sell house (currently on the market), move in with mom for the duration of 2009 to save money to help pay for "dream home"
**increase monthly savings by $200 (or $2400 for the year)

2008 YEAR END balances:
Mortgage = $274,000 @ 5.25%
Car loan = $15,300 @ 5.75%
CC = $18,000 @ 0% thru Nov 09


January 3rd, 2008 at 04:34 pm

Each year, my New Year's resolution has always been financially based. This year for 2008, I look forward to increasing our net worth by decreasing our debts and increasing our investments (ooh, what a novel idea, I know!).

More specifically:

1. We owe $19,000 on our last vehicle loan - just got it a few months ago after we paid off our other loan. Our monthly payment is $385. Don't start flaming us --- we made a great decision in getting this vehicle, was able to put some down and got the loan at a great interest rate - lots of research and patience in finding just what we needed.
Anyway, let's go ahead and increase the payment by $115 to make it an even $500 each month. That should shave several months off the loan. This obligates $1,380 extra for the year.

2. We have an $18,000 balance on a 0% credit card... of which most of the balance is earning interest for us. Our 2008 goal will be to maintain our $500 per month payment that we have established ourselves (min. payment required is only $10, can you believe that!?) Once the promotional period ends in Sept, we'll transfer it to another 0% offer unless the stock market really goes on an upswing... we have the money to pay this off in non-retirement funds but will wait until the market gets better in a more consistent fashion. This obligates $6,000 for the year in monthly payments.

3. We have for a long while invested systematically into our Roths and mutual fund accounts. The Roths got $50 each per month, the mutual fund got $100, and the brokerage money market fund got $50. We will increase the Roth contributions by $50 each and the money market fund by $25. That will mean an obligation of $1,500 more this year from last.

Now looking at it, these goals are very doable and should be no problem to reach...I look forward to a very successful 2008!!

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