Home > New semester and AC update.

New semester and AC update.

August 22nd, 2007 at 02:19 pm

Today is the start of the Fall semester. My boss talked me into dropping one of my classes so I’m just taking one accounting course – hopefully, it will be a smooth semester. The book itself cost $140 – used via Amazon even!!! Geez. Oh, well.

DH decided to bring home a wireless hub thingy last night. He kept saying that it was worth the $150 for all the items so that we would have internet access anywhere in the house. He also kept saying that he would ebay his brains out to pay it back. I was trying to argue the fact that it wasn’t a necessity. We have cable internet downstairs and that was just fine. I don’t see the need to have internet everywhere else in the house. Oh, well… it’s like talking to a brick wall.

As to the air conditioning situation that I posted about last time, it is ironic how that turned out. The day after my post, DH’s grandfather called and asked if we could use a window unit. He has 3 in his house and hasn’t used one of them for the last 2 years or so… anyway, he gave us that unit and so now DH is very happy. I wake up with a runny nose now but at least DH can sleep without sweating. So all is well with that… it will be interesting to see how high our power bill will be now. I swear that the company here extorts everyone. Our electric bill is usually around $120 and that’s for no AC. Down the mountain (with a different company), we only paid around $100 each month and that was with running AC all the time in the summer. It’s a ripoff I tell you… but what can we do except pay what they charge?

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